
Showing posts with the label Exercise while fasting

Should I Workout While I am Fasting?

  So I recently had a question should I work out when I'm fasting?                            So let's talk about how so many people have this idea they have to eat before exercise to get energy for whatever reason. So let's first talk about the three or four variables to exercise you have the type of exercise you have the intensity of the exercise how hard it you go and then the duration how long you go and then you have the recovery so the purpose of the exercise is to make you fitter to increase the health of the system to build more capacity more fitness to have less stress. There are many benefits of exercise but those are some of them so what you're doing is you're stressing your body and then your body is going to adapt to that and prove various things you have to be careful not to overtrain because overtraining will inhibit your sleep keep your inflammation up and reduce your gains. So it's always kind of an adjustment of figuring out what your optimum a