
Showing posts with the label Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis (women related disease) its causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

 Introduction Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle, making them more prone to fractures. It's a common condition, affecting millions of people worldwide, particularly postmenopausal women and older adults. In this article, we'll discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for osteoporosis. Causes of Osteoporosis:  The primary cause of osteoporosis is an imbalance in the bone remodeling process, which is responsible for the removal of old bone tissue and the formation of new bone tissue. When this process becomes imbalanced, more bone tissue is lost than is replaced, leading to weakened bones. Some factors that can contribute to this imbalance include: Aging : As people age, their bones become less dense, making them more prone to fractures. Genetics : A family history of osteoporosis can increase the risk of developing the condition. Hormonal changes: Postmenopausal women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis because the